Monday, April 21, 2008


Tonight I made Drunken Chicken on the grill. Rion was watching me and wanted to take a drink of the "pop". I told him he couldn't, it wasn't pop, it was beer. I got my chicken all ready and went out to light the grill. When I came back in the kitchen, Rion was saying, "it burns, it burns." "You didn't take a drink from that beer," I asked. I was convinced he had after I told him not to. He said he hadn't. Instead he had dipped his finger into the rub I was putting on the chicken. It had a bit of a kick to it. I always mix cinnamon and sugar together for toast and put it in a small plastic container. This rub was mostly paprika so it sort of had the same color and I put it in the same small container as the cinnamon sugar. After Rion got a drink of milk, he told me he thought it was cinnamon. Oops.

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