Monday, April 21, 2008

Fred's turn

For the next four Wednesdays Rion can join the current kindergarten class for an hour to get a taste of what school will be like. Over the weekend Fred and I talked about how we are going to get him there and back and I thought it was pretty simple. He has two choices.
A) He can take the Blazer, which I am leaving at home for him, to drive all the kids to the school.
B) He can walk to the school, in which case, the stroller is in the garage for Cordy.
I thought I spelled it all out for him, but today he asked me again. And I quote, "How am I supposed to do it with all three kids?" I could have been helpful and laid it all out for him again, but the annoyed bitchy mom came out instead. "The same way I do when I haul all three to Wal-mart." I am secretly enjoying his pain. I realized he has never gone anywhere with all three kids alone. I am tempted to take off work early, hide out at the school and see how he manages. Although being sneaky and suspicious at a school isn't the best of ideas. I am enjoying his pain the more I think about it. Fred doesn't really plan things out so I wonder if he's thought about any of this. Rion is going to the afternoon session. That means, the kids have to have lunch, be dressed and if he wants Cordy to be good she has to eat before leaving too. I love the thought of him having to do all of this. I could be really helpful and help him out, but I want him to suffer. I had to figure it all out on my own and he can too.

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