Friday, June 13, 2008

At the movies

I've been debating whether or not to take Rion to the new Indiana Jones movie, but he kept bugging me so we went today. The only other movies he has seen in the theatres is Cars and Meet the Robinsons. He wouldn't sit still in either movie and I wasn't sure he was going to like the new Indiana so I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into. The movie was at the Grand Theatres, by far the best theatre in town. The moment we got there Rion was taking it all in, eyes wide and mouth dropped open. When we got our tickets I told Rion to tell the ticket girl what movie he wanted to see. "I want to see the new Indiana Jones!" I thought he would say it quietly, but he really spoke up. We got some popcorn, candy and pop and then Rion gave our tickets to the ticket collector. As we made our way to our theatre, Rion was busy looking at everything. "Wow, wow, wow," he kept saying. One hallway we went down was filled with movie posters. Suddenly Rion stopped. "Raiders!" He had spotted the Raiders of the Lost Ark poster. Rion picked out our seats in the theatre and we ate our popcorn while we waited for the movie to start. Then the lights got dark and Rion sat still. He stopped eating and stared at the screen. He got a little fidgety during some scenes, but then the Indiana Jones music would start and he was still again, a big smile on his face. I looked over at him quite a lot during the movie. He was really enjoying it. He even noticed the ark at the warehouse and knew that was Marion from Raiders. After the movie he said he wanted to see it again. I think I also enjoyed it more the second time. I forgot their was some swearing in it, something I didn't notice while watching it without a kid present the first time. It's was fun to watch it through Rion's eyes and Indiana Jones is a great movie to see in the theatres. I'm glad he liked it, but now he's mad he can't watch it on his computer. I told him we will buy it when it comes out on DVD, but as he's so fond of saying, "that will take forever."

1 comment:

Kelly said...

That sounds like fun! I bet it's neat to see him have a little adventure hero who isn't a cartoon character. So cute.