Tuesday, June 10, 2008

For sale

It's been a couple of years, so it's time for a rummage sale. It's amazing how much a person can accumulate in a short period of time. When Fred and I moved back to Bismarck our whole life fit inside a small trailer. Six years later, I can't even imagine trying to move all the stuff we have. We have filled this house up real good. The boys were still really young when we had our last rummage sale. Except for some baby toys there wasn't any toys that they had outgrown yet. This time however, this rummage sale is going to be stocked with toys. I spent two days going through the boys' room and their play area downstairs. I put so much stuff in the rummage sale pile. It feels so good to get rid of it too. While I was cleaning their room I also organized it better and it looks great. The boys also found some toys they haven't seen in awhile and have had some fun playing with them again. In addition to the rummage sale pile I also filled a garbage bag full of broken toys and junk. I don't think the boys understand that I am going to sell all the toys I pulled out. It will be interesting to see what they do when they see it all at the actual rummage sale. But that's another blog for another time.

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