Monday, June 9, 2008

Soccer. Day One.

Rion had his first soccer practice this evening. I think they should reconsider where they have the fields for the five and six years olds. Right next to the playground is not the best place. Rion spent half of the practice staring at the playground. About half way through the practice Fred gave Rion a drink of Gatorade. He asked Rion if he was having fun. "I want to play on the playground," he said. Fred told him after soccer he could. "I played soccer," he said. It didn't look like he was really into the soccer but towards the end he really started to warm up to it. There was about 15 kids in his group and I would not want to be a coach. The kids weren't that great at listening. "If you're not going to listen," the coach said, "we're going to run." That wasn't much of threat because the kids loved running. In fact that was the happiest I saw Rion the whole time.

Torii on the other hand wanted to be out there with Rion. We brought a soccer ball with for him to kick around. He was really good. He was even dribbling it. Then Tanner came over and Torii played soccer with him.

Rion did say he liked soccer. I hope he does like it. We'll see how it goes. It is fun to see all the little kids out there kicking the ball around. I think they have two weeks of practice and then they start games.

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