Tuesday, June 10, 2008


The boys were playing on the inflatables that were set up at Buggies and Blues on Sunday. Torii is on the left and Rion on the right. Rion has such long legs that he has no problem getting up. Torii has cute little legs so he has a harder time. He could get up the ladder and the bars easily, but he also wanted to go up the far right path that was more like a rock climbing wall. The first time he tried it he got close to the top and then slipped down. There was a huge line of kids so I told him he should try the ladder instead. The girl waiting at the top also suggested the ladder. Torii ignored the advice and kept trying. It took him a few tries, but he got up. Later he tried the rock climbing path again and it still took him a couple of tries, but he didn't give up. I'm glad he didn't listen to me about taking the ladder. He proved he is willing to keep trying for the things he wants. It's easy to give up and take the easy route, but to accomplish something that is harder makes you more proud in the end. I know I'm proud of him.

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