Thursday, August 21, 2008

First day of school

Today was Rion's first day of school. When we arrived at his classroom he said hi to the teacher and immediately got settled in. He didn't even say goodbye to me. When I picked him up I asked him how his first day was and he said it was long. He also said he missed me. What a sweetie. It was a nice day so we walked. I thought that would give us time to talk about his day. He said he had recess two times, had pizza for lunch and learned how to open his milk carton. He also said he got to hand out papers and hold the door open for everyone. Rion also picked on Torii the entire way home. He must of felt like he missed out on picking on Torii all day so he had to catch up.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

that's so sweet that he said he missed his mom and then you went for a walk. Sounds like he had a fun time.