Friday, August 22, 2008

So many choices

I was looking at Rion's school lunch menu and was quite impressed. It certainly is different from when I was in school. One day they get Shrimp Poppers. I'm not sure what that is or if they're any good, but that was something we never had in school. Students also get to choose between three main dishes: a hot meal, a sandwich or a chef salad. We had that choice in high school, but never before that. At least now I don't have to pack a lunch for him ever because I would pack a sandwich and that is offered everyday. The school system also participates in "offer versus serve" in their school lunches. Students are offered at least five different items and although they are encouraged to take all five, they can refuse two things. I don't think we were ever allowed to refuse something at lunch. And if we did, I'm pretty sure we got a double serving of that food. And if there was one thing you didn't want, it was a double serving of a school lunch.

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