Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Play with me

I was reading an article by a mom who asked her kids what they remember playing from childhood and how that influenced their future. All of them remember playing something that influenced what they chose as careers. The one that liked pretending and dressing up became an actor. The one who liked bikes choose a career in the bicycle industry. And when I think about the things I played in my childhood one thing I remember very clearly is creating a newspaper. We wrote articles and drew comic strips for the paper. My friend got mad at me for criticizing an article she wrote. (She interviewed me, but put things about herself in the article. Even then I knew that wasn't allowed in a newspaper article). I find it funny that in my first two years of college I had no idea what I wanted to do for a career. Then one day it dawned on me that even as a child I knew what I wanted to do and I enrolled in the mass communications program, emphasis in journalism.

I like to watch the boys and see what they really enjoy doing. I could see Rion as a mechanic or an engineer. He loves to put things together and figure out how things work. Torii might be a gymnast. He loves to do summersaults. I showed him some of the gymnasitics they were doing in the Olympics and his eyes got wide and he said, "Record this!" Part of that article was about finding the things our kids like and encouraging it. Rion has Legos that he creates new things with. Torii should probably be signed up for gymnanstics. I think everyone has a special talent and who knows, that could be Torii's.

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