Monday, November 3, 2008


As I talked to Cordelia's doctor on the phone a million thoughts were running through my mind. The doctor gave me the names of the doctors he had talked to and where we needed to be. When he asked if I had any questions, I couldn't think of any even though there were a million in my mind. It was just too overwhelming to process anything. At that time as relatives were asking questions about what was going on, I really didn't have a good answer. I wasn't exactly sure what was going on with Cordelia. I didn't know how long we would be in Minneapolis. I didn't know when the surgery would take place. Now we know that Cordelia had a diaphragmic hernia. Basically, there was a hole in her diaphragm and as she got older, the hole got bigger and eventually all of her small intestines and some of her big intestine slipped up through the hole and into her chest. This was causing her to throw up and more seriously the intestines were taking up the room where her heart and lungs would normally be. She was lucky enough to not have very serious breathing problems or we would have been rushed to Minneapolis in an ambulance. Instead we drove down there. To add to all of this there was the issue of what to do with the boys. Normally they would go to my parents, but they were going to Fargo for the weekend. And on top of everything Fred's mom was in Fargo at Fred's aunt's house getting ready to drive to our house the same day we were suppose to go to Minneapolis. We ended up dropping the boys off with Fred's mom over the weekend and then my parents took the boys back to Bismarck on Sunday. Fred did not get to see his mom while she was here, but at least she got to spend some quality time with the boys. And as the weekend unfolded we got more information about how much time we would be spending in the cities. It looked like my dad would get to be Mr. Mom for awhile.....

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Oh Stacy, I can't believe what you've been through lately and poor little Cordelia. I hope that the surgery was successful and that she's feeling much better. I'll say some prayers for quick healing.