Friday, November 7, 2008


The drive home went well. Cordelia cried some in her car seat, but I could tell she was much happier strapped in her seat than in the hospital. It was really good to see the boys when we got home. I had been trying for days to get Cordelia to laugh, but never could. It took Torii all of a minute after seeing her. I took the week off from work just to make sure Cordelia was going to be ok and also I was exhausted and wanted time just to be at home. Our first couple of days home, we got excited every time she would poop. It was good to know everything was working. Now our goal is to fatten her up. She drinks a lot of Pedisure because it has more calories than milk. Her appetite is as healthy as ever. She eats whenever we eat and snacks a lot too. We have so much Halloween candy in the house so she has been getting some candy. It's not often you hear a doctor give you orders to fatten up so she should enjoy it while it lasts. She seems to be back to herself, but more clingy than before which is understandable. Now we are just settling back into our normal lives.

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