Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Day after surgery

The next day Cordelia was still very groggy. She would open her eyes for a little bit and then fall back to sleep. The first time she saw me that morning she extended her arms out towards me so I could pick her up. More than anything I wanted to swoop her up and snuggle her, but with so many things attached to her, I couldn't just yet. For a mother it was the worst feeling in the world. The floor doctor had come by that morning to show us the before and after x-rays. There was a definite difference. Her lung was now extended like it should and her heart was back where it belongs. Many people had told us to get out of the hospital and take some time for ourselves. After looking at the x-rays the doctor said this would be a good time for that. Cordelia was mostly sleeping and we couldn't pick her up so this was our opportunity. And for the first time in my life I was happy to have a cell phone just in case. I wanted to get a little something for the boys so we headed to the Mall of America. I knew I could find a little something at LegoLand for Rion. We also thought this might be a good opportunity to get some Christmas presents, but there weren't any good toy stores like I remember being there. We didn't buy very much at all. We did fill a huge Old Navy bag since we didn't pack enough clothes and there was some really good deals there. I did have one huge panic at Urban Outfitters when the cell phone rang. It wasn't a North Dakota area code so I searched frantically for Fred as I fumbled for the cell phone. Thankfully, it was my aunt wondering what we were doing for lunch. She then met us at the mall for lunch. It was nice to get away, but I missed the boys more than ever. We were already planning on catching a Twins game next summer and going to the mall. The boys will have so much fun at the Nickelodeon amusement park and Rion will go nuts over LegoLand. I was really wishing they were there with us that day.

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