Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The important questions

As we waited in the surgery waiting room we saw many parents talk to their child's surgeon. Most left the room, but as people left and more room was available many decided to just talk to the doctor in the waiting room. This was the case for one of the last sets of parents besides ourselves. They were sitting close to us and with the empty room we could not help but hear their conversation. There son had gotten his tonsils out and one of the first questions out of their mouths was, "When can he play hockey again?" A while back Fred and I had watch a mockamentary about hockey parents and these two could have been the basis for it. We must have heard the word hockey twenty times in the conversation. Then the doctor left and they got their laptop out and were figuring out how many practices and games their son would miss. It was all they could talk about. In the future if I ever get that crazy about my children's sports or activities I give permission to everybody to give me a quick swift kick in the head.

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