Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Security blanket

At home Cordelia likes to go into the laundry room, pull my shirts out and snuggle with them. On our way down to the cities Cordelia was crying from too much time in her car seat. On a stop I took a shirt out of my luggage and gave it to her. That was all it took to get her to fall asleep. After her surgery, she saw me and immediately wanted to be picked up. She kept her arms out and had the saddest look on her face because I wouldn't pick her up. Then I gave her my shirt. She grabbed it, put it against her face and immediately fell asleep. For the next week she would not let go of the shirt. When nurses came in to check her vitals, Cordelia would not let go of it. I once tried to get it out of her hands when the nurse was getting her out of the bed so I could hold her. Her grip was so tight that I could not get it from her. Now that shirt is hers. That's ok, she deserves it.


Laurie said...

that is so precious! :)

Kelly said...

oh my gosh. That's so sweet. Brings tears to my eyes, she wanted her momma.