Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Minneapolis Children's Hospital

Not much happened our first weekend in Minneapolis. Cordelia's surgery was set for Monday afternoon and until then the nurses just monitored her and we tried to hydrate her as much as possible. She only threw up twice while we were there which was good. Although not much happened, the whole thing was overwhelming. We got a tour of the hospital floor we were on and we also did some exploring of the hospital on our own. I quickly learned that I did not pack enough for myself, but over packed for Cordelia. Everything was provided for her. Even toys and a stroller. There was also a free washer and dryer on the floor, which we had to use. We also used the family room often, which was stocked with toys and also gave everyone a break from the hospital room. There were also dvds to check out, which we took advantage of. As far as food there were a lot of options. The hospital cafeteria, a McDonalds, delivery and other local restaurants. The hospital also provided us with five nights at The Sheraton. The staff at the hospital was amazing. I am used to waiting forever to see anyone whenever I go to the doctor. Our first day there the nurse said the surgeon would be up to talk to us about the surgery. Thinking we had lots of time, Fred went out for a smoke. He missed half of the surgeon's explanation of everything. It was always like that. And when we asked the nurse a question or needed something, she got right on it. There was no waiting around for things there. I was also impressed by how modern and new everything looked. I guess that floor had been remodeled three years ago and it looked really good. We had a very nice futon couch in the room and the toys in the family room were all new and in good shape. It just made me feel like they really care for their patients.

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