Friday, November 7, 2008

Getting back on track

On Friday we gave Cordelia some Pedialite. We tried plain first which she didn't like. Then we tried apple Pedialite which she gobbled down. The doctors had told us that sometimes babies aren't interested in food right away, but she was. On Saturday we got to move on to more foods. We had talked to a dietitian about a game plan as far as food went. She was talking about feeding her formula, but I told her we were actually weaning her off the stuff before all this occurred and I really didn't want to go back to formula if at all possible. She had no problem with that so we started her on Pediasure and whole milk. She also got some Cheerios and baby food that day. On Sunday when we arrived at the hospital the nurse told us she had a big poop that morning. And she hadn't had any trouble with any of the food we had been giving her. Not long after the surgeon came in and gave us the clear to leave. We could have stayed another day to make sure everything was alright, but he was confident that she would be just fine. All the nurses would be doing for another day is checking her temperature every once in awhile and giving her Tylenol. We could do that on our own at home. After nine days in Minneapolis we were finally on our way back home.

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